曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester—QS:32

地理位置:Manchester, England, UK
学校简介:Brief Introduction: Founded in 1824, The University of Manchester is the world's leading research university in Manchester, the second busiest city in the UK, and ranked 26th in the world for the highest ever. It is one of the six famous ‘Red Brick Universities’ in the UK, one of the founding members of the British ‘Ivy League’ Russell Group and the largest single university in the UK. As one of the world's top research and teaching institutions, the University of Manchester has made a world-famous contribution to the development of human society and enjoys a high reputation in the international community. There are 25 Nobel Prize winners in the current and past faculty and students of the University of Manchester; three of the current full-time faculty members are Nobel winners, ranking the highest in the UK.